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    Blog Menu

    Great New Book on Climate Change-Greta Thunberg's The Climate Book

    Engaging, dramatic short chapters about  the urgent need for everyone to spread the message to switch to wind and solar energy.   The earth needs action by individuals and governments to save people and  wildlife.  It is fun and great to join groups, to set examples, and to pressure the  oil companies and the politicians to stop their drilling and selling and burning all of the oil and gas they can even though
    it is destroying the coral reefs, the giving us fires , droughts,  floods, and hurricanes.
    review of Greta Thunberg's The Climate Book

    Ocean life cooperates for food protection and

    PBS special on ocean life- Soul of the Ocean

    There is a neat PBS TV show on how different ocean species cooperate to help each other- dolphins, remoras, whales, reefs, sea urchins, fish, octopus, crabs. rays, cleaner fish, - some hide in or next to poisonous, others clean the teeth and skin of of others, some spread the eggs. by reefs,...


    Share photos of plants and animals

    You take photos and share them.  Others may help you identify species.  The information collected is stored and shared.  It helps scientists find out  more about plants and animals- where are they living, what other species live there,  whether their numbers are declining or increasing,....
