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    Great Writer & Activist Sandra Steingraber to Speak on Fracking Dangers

    Dr. Sandra Steingraber, The Environmental and Health Risks of Fracking , Thursday October 4, 2018, 7 pm

    I was stimulated to act and to care by her writings. I liked her book Living Downstream.

    The Cube at MCA in Stapleton 8371 Northfield Blvd, Denver, CO 80238

    The State of New York took a hard look at the science on fracking and now has a statewide ban on fracking. The documentation is at https://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/75370.html (SEQR is State Environmental Quality Report) The State of Colorado continues to equivocate on the science and we have an estimated 50,000 fracking wells and all of the environmental, health and public safety issues that accompany all those wells... One of the key scientists that helped drive the New York process is the acclaimed Dr. Sandra Steingraber, and... SHE IS COMING TO COLORADO NEXT WEEK.... Please Pass the Word to Your Networks--Thanks! (More information below.)

    Clean Energy Action

    will be hosting

    (along with 350 Colorado and other climate action allies)

    acclaimed ecologist and author

    Reception with Dr. Steingraber--5:30-6:30 at The Cube

    Suggested Donations $30 Reception and Talk $20 Public Talk Only

    Larger donations if you can afford them will be appreciated.

    No one will be kept away from the public talk for lack of funds.

    We want everyone to hear the science on fracking!

    Dr. Steingraber's website is http://steingraber.com/


    The 2014 New York review on the scientific and health impacts of fracking that led to the NY ban is at



    The Physicians for Social Responsibility review of the environmental and health risks of fracking is at the link below. Dr. Steingraber is a co-author.


    While the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment ("CDPHE") continues to equivocate, others that have taken a hard look at the science have recognized the rapidly growing body of studies that outline the risks of fracking and natural gas production.

    Dr. Steingraber will help us understand what the science is telling us about fracking and natural gas production.

    Please pass the word to your networks.

    For most of us, this is a "Once in a Lifetime" opportunity.

    Hope to see you there!!

    Thanks as always

    Leslie Glustrom

    720-341-3154-cell Clean Energy Action, Boulder, Colorado

    Accelerating the Transition to the Post Fossil Fuel World


    Biologist Sandra Steingraber, PhD, said:

    “What impressed us, as we reviewed and compiled the data, is just how extensive the impacts from drilling and fracking processes are. Spikes in toxic air pollution accompany fracking wherever it goes. Drinking water is destroyed. Earthquakes are triggered. Abandoned wells leak. Pipelines explode. Climate-killing methane escapes from every component part. And nearby residents are suffering health problems consistent with their exposures—including newborn infants.”

    Quote From Physicians for Social Responsibility website:


    Mega-Forest Fires Show Dangers of Climate Change

    The air was full of smoke from forest fires here in Boulder and across the west. This summer there were 4 fires over 100,000 acres at once in the US: the Ranch Fire (over 600 square miles in N. CA), the Carr Fire in N. CA, the South Sugarloaf Fire in N. NV, and the Spring Creek Fire in S. CO. Also, there were over 500 fires in British Columbia. Sweden had forest fires above the Arctic Circle. 90 people died in forest fires during an extreme heat wave in Greece. California state agencies said that maximum daily temperatures could rise by 8.8 degrees by 2100, and 2/3 of beaches in CA would be lost to sea level rise by 2100. And Trump is trying to relax Obama's Clean Power Plan, which limits the greenhouse gases from coal power plants. Trump's plan would let states set theirweak limits, so it would increase the emissions of greenhouse gases. Also, there would be 1400 more deaths per year from pollution from power plants. from "Fire Alarm", by Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, Sept 10,2018

    Resources to Fight Plastic Waste

    www.breakfreefromplastic.org/ waterkeeper.org https://www.lonelywhale.org/ http://travel.usatoday.com/alliance/destinations/venturethere/post/2011/03/Do-you-live-in-a-plastic-world/146222/1 inlandoceancoalition.org http://www.surfrider.org/programs/rise-above-plastics https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/03/06/only-9-of-the-worlds-plastic-is-recycled https://www.bbcleaningservice.com/great-pacific-garbage-patch.html

    Global Warming NYT Article Downplays Guilt of Oil Companies

    The NYT article blames it on human nature and implies there is no hope. Instead activists say we must hold the oil companies responsible for the misinformation about and denial of global warming. We must organize, hope and care.



    test test

    Trump Administration and Congress Trying to Kill Off Endangered Species

    They want to stop protecting threatened species and stop protecting habitat. They want oil, mining, and logging companies to be in charge of wildlife. They want to stop listing more species. They want politics and industry to trump science.

    Great interview with Kieran Suckling, the cofounder of Center For Biologcial Diversity:


    Sign Petitions to Keep the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Off Limits

    http://www.rockyflatsnuclearguardianship.org Petition to keep Rocky Flats Closed: https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/keep-rocky-flats-wildlife Petition to stop new road construction thru Rocky Flats: https://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/stop-road-construction-at-site-of-former-nuclear-bomb-plant-rocky-flats Petition to prevent intentional fires at the nuclear weapons site: https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/no-prescribed-burns-at