Great Environmental Books:
The Abstract Wild, Teewinot, Travels in the Greater Yellowstone all by Jack Turner: He is a naturalist, a mountain climbing guide, and a lover of wild places, wilderness, and wildlife. He tells of adventures, showing his awe and love of nature.
These personal stories, accompanied by words of insight from Native American leaders, Sandhills ranchers, and grassland ecologists, help us envision a quiet relationship with the natural world." from the Nebraska Press.
The Coming Plague by Laurie Garrett : Explanations of how we discover what causes epidemics.
Last Stand by Richard Manning is poetic even though he describes the cutting of forests in Montana by Champion and Plum Creek. He explains the wonderful interconnections of life forms and even how some species depend on forest fires. The black backed woodpeckers favor lodgepole pine forests that have burned in the last 3 years. Their black backs give them camouflage against the charred trees and protect them from predators. The woodpeckers eat beetles that specialize in burned forests. After a few years the woodpeckers move on, leaving holes that make nests for bluebirds. Very old lodgepole pines even give out an audible signal that attracts particular beetles that come to kill the pines. Lodgepole pinecones are adapted to fire - they won’t open until a fire comes through.
The Last Stand by David Harris about the fight to save the redwoods. In it, he relates that the FDIC and the Office of Thrift Supervision have lawsuits (for $250 million and $900 million, respectively) against Charles Hurwitz, the Texas takeover artist who gained control of the Pacific Lumber Co. with junk bonds and then dramatically increased its rate of cutting. Hurwitz was chairman of the board and the largest shareholder of the United Financial Group that controlled the United Savings Association of Texas, which collapsed and cost the public $1.3 billion. Please ask the President and your congressmembers to push these lawsuits and use the money gained to buy back the redwoods.
Toxic Sludge is Good for You by John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton describes how public relations firms manage the news and frame issues to smear environmentalists while giving big companies legitimacy and excuses.
Sultans of Sleaze by Joyce Nelson describes how public relations firms manage the news and frame issues to smear environmentalists while giving big companies legitimacy and excuses.
Timber Wars by Judi Bari is a good biography by the forest activist who was bombed while organizing save the redwoods rallies.
Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber is the story of an Illinois farmgirl turned microbiologist who poetically describes the battles against toxic chemicals and toxic incinerators.
A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr is a dramatic account of the attorney, Jan Schlichtman,and neighbors in Woburn, MA suing WR Grace and Beatrice Foods over the solvent poisons in their well water. Eventually, the EPA takes the evidence that Jan marshalled, and forces the polluters to clean up.
Still the Best Congress Money Can Buy by Philip M. Stern shows how badly we need campaign finance reform; gives examples of rip-offs given in exchange for campaign contributions.
Losing Ground by Mark Dowie illustrates how big companies co-opt or marginalize environmentalists.
The War Against the Greens by David Helvarg tells how mining, logging, oil and other big companies persecute environmentalists.
Cut and Run by Grace Herndon is a good book about how logging companies violate land and water quality laws while cutting forests.
The Animal Smugglers by John Nichol provides details of animal poaching and smuggling.
Grizzly Years by John Peacock details observations of the wild lives of grizzlies in Montana and Wyoming.
Hope, Human and Wild by Bill McKibben tells how people find solutions that build community and help the environment.
Game Wars by Marc Reisner : Game wardens go undercover in sting operations to stop trade in endangered species.
Woman in the Mists by Farley Mowat is Dian Fossey's studies of the mountain gorilla.
The Abstract Wild by Jack Turner - He describes ideas of wildness from Thoreau, Muir, and Doug Peacock. That maybe it is most valuable to have wild places with wild creatures living in great interconnected diversity. He values the mystery and playfulness of nature and wildness.
Bird of Life, Bird of Death by Jonathan Evan Maslow is a story of birdwatchers seeking the rare quetzlcoatl in Guatemala with local people opposing a dam and protecting rare birds.
The Grizzly by Enos A. Mills : Accounts of grizzlies in Colorado.
Abby, Edward: Beyond the Wall
The Brave Cowboy
Desert Solitaire
Down the River
Fire on the Mountain
Good News
The Journey Home
The Monkey Wrench Gang
Slumgullion Stew
Alinsky, Saul: Rules For Radicals
Audubon Society: Master Guide to Birding
Field Guide to North American Birds
Axcell, Cooke & Kinmont: Simple Foods For The Pack
Barash, David & Judith Lipton: Stop Nuclear War! A Handbook
Berger, John J.: Restoring the Earth: How Americans are working to renew our damaged environment
Bigon, Mario & Guido Regazzoni: Morrow Guide to Knots
Bly, Robert: News of the Universe
The Winged Life
Brodeur, Paul: Outrageous Misconduct: The Asbestos Industry On Trial
Brown, Tom Jr.: Field Guide to City and Suburban Survival
Field Guide to Living with the Earth
Field Guide to Nature: Observation and Tracking
Field Guide to Wilderness Survival
The Search
The Tracker
Bruce, Robert D. & Victoria Perera: The Last Lords of Palenque
Bulgakov, Mikhail: The Master & Margarita
Calvino, Italo: The Baron in the Trees
Italian Folktales
The Nonexistent Knight,
Cloven Viscount
Carson, Rachel: The Sea Around Us
Silent Spring
Caufield, Catherine: In The Rainforest
COE , Gigi, et al: The Home Energy Decision Book
Cousins, Norman: Anatomy of an illness
The Healing Heart
Cousteau, Jacques: Cousteau Almanac
Craighead, Frank: Track of the Grizzly
Crampton, C.Gregory: Standing Up Country:
The Canyonlands of Utah and Arizona
Creasy, Rosalind: Edible Landscaping
Cummings, E.E.: 100 Selected Poems
Ehrlich, Gretel: The Solace Of Open Spaces
Ehrlich, Paul and Anne: Extinction
Epstein, Samuel: Hazardous Waste in America
Fallows, James: National Defense
Farrell, John A.: The New Indian Wars
Ferguson, D. and N.: Sacred Cows at the Public Trough
Feynman, Richard P.: Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feyman!
Foreman, D. (ed): Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching
Fossey, Dian: Gorillas in the Mist
Friends of the Earth: Progress as if Survival Mattered
Gibbs, Lois Marie: Love Canal-My Story
Giono, Jean: The Man Who Planted Hope and Grew Happiness
Grahame, Kenneth: Wind in the Willows
Green, Mark: There He Goes Again: Ronald Reagan’s Reign of Terror
Ground Zero: What About The Russians and Nuclear War?
Nuclear War: What’s in it for You?
Hart, John: Walking Softly in the Wilderness
Hentoff, Nat: The First Freedom
Herriot, James: All Creatures Great and Small
Hibshman, Dan: Your Affordable Solar Home
Hoover, Helen: The Long Shadowed Forest
A Place in the Woods
The Years of the Forest
Jarrell, Randall: The Animal Family
Krutch, Joseph: The Voice of the Desert
LaBastille, Anne: Woodswoman
Lee, Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird
Lelyveld, Joseph: Move Your Shadow: South Africa Black and White
L’engle, Madeleine: A Wrinkle In Time
Leopold, Aldo: A Sand Country Almanac
Lesley, Craig: Winterkill
Lopez, Barry: Arctic Dreams
Of Wolves and Men
Maclean, Norman: A River Runs Through It
Mander, Jerry: Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Miller, Millie Kinnikinnick: The Mountafn Flower Book
Milne. A.A. The House at Pooh Corner
Winnie the Pooh
McIntyre, Joan:
The Delicate Are of Whale Watching
Mind in the Waters
McPhee, John: Coming into the Country
The Crofter and the Laird.
The Curve or Binding Energy Encounters with the Archdruid
The John McPhee Reader
The Pine Barrens
La Place de la Concorde Suisse
In Suspect Terrafn
Table or Contents
Mintz, Morton: At Any Cost: Corporate Greed,
Women and the Dalkon Shield
Mitchell, Henry: The Essential Earthman
Morrison, P.: Powers of Ten
Mowat, Farley: The Desperate People
Never Cry Wolf
People of the Deer
Sea of Slaughter
The Siberians
The Snow Walker
A Whale for the Killing
Myers, Norman: The Primary Source
Tropical Forests and Our Future
Gaia-An Atlas of Planet Management
Nader, Ralph & William Taylor The Big Boys
New York Journal of Medicine World Cigarette Pandemic
Nichols, John On the Mesa
The Milagro Beanfield War
The Nirvana Blues
The Magic Journey
O’Dell, Scott: Island of the Blue Dolphins
O’Hanlon. Redmond: Into the Heart of Borneo
Patchen, Kenneth: What Shall We Do Without Us
Pileggi, Nicholas Wiseguy-Life in a Mafia Fami1y
Rodale, Robert: The Basic Book of Organic Gardening
Sattler, Helen: Fish Facts & Bird Brains
Scheer, Robert: With Enough Shovels: Reagan, Bush and Nuclear War
Schell, Jonathan:
The Abolition
The Fate of the Earth
Schell, Orville: Modern Meat
Siegel, Robert: Whalesong
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Stories for Children
Small, George: The Blue Whale
Stokes, Donald W.: A Guide to Observing Insect Lives
A Guide to Bird Behavior
Thoreau, Henry David: Walden and Civil Disobedience
Twain, Mark: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Wallace, David Rains: The Dark Range: A Naturalist’s Night Notebook
Wambaugh, Joseph: The Onion Field
White, T.H.: The Once and Future King
Wilkerson, James: Medicine for Mountaineering
Wolfe, Joan: Making Things Happen: The Guide for Members of Volunteer Organizations
Abby, Edward:
Brave Cowboy - A loner cowboy who loves the wildness of nature tangles with bureaucracy
and police in a growing metropolis in an effort to help a friend.
Beyond the Wall - Recent stories of Abbey’s adventures in Pariah Canyon, the Guadalupe
Mountains, Alaska, Mexican deserts, and the Colorado River.
Desert Solitaire - Abbey’s philosophical meanderings and adventures as he re-fleets upon
the desert while working in the national parks.
Down the River - More Abbey stories.
Fire on the Mountain - A boy, his grand-father and their friends right to save their ranch
from becoming part or a missile test range. A mountain lion watches .
Good News - More Abbey stories; observations.
The Journey Home - Home spun observations or Death valley, Yosemite and other famous
and not so famous places and people or the west.
The Monkey Wrench Gang - His picturesque, rollicking saga or the exploits or a band or
eco-freaks and cowboy heroes. They strive against dams, power plants, strip mines,
billboards, and other tendrils or encroaching civilization.
Animal Welfare Institute:
Endangered Species Handbook - Everything about endangered species. It includes a list
of endangered species, or books on them, and or movies about them. It explains how
extinction occurs due to development, fur trade, repti1e trade, hunting and
pesticides. It has many stories about the successful protection or rare species, such
as The Edwards family in British Columbia, who helped save the trumpeter swans,
“There is no more beautiful and stirring sight in the whole waterfowl kingdom than
a ‘flight or Trumpeters cleaving through the air against a setting or rugged rocky
mountains and dark conifers,” wrote Silvia Bruce. It’s great ‘for teachers. It lists
things you can do.
Barash, David: Judith Lipton:
Stop Nuclear War: A Handbook - A description of where we are, the forces propelling us
toward nuclear war, and what we can do to prevent ft. A hopeful, how to do ft book.
The book describes how tensions have been reduced in the past by graduated and
reciprocated initiatives. Kennedy praised the Russians and announced a halt to
atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons, saying he would not resume them un1ess
Russia did so first. Khrushchev responded with a planned halt in strategic bomber
production. Then a hot line was installed, and a huge wheat deal announced. Next
Kennedy was assassinated. Nixon announce a unilateral halt to the development,
testing, and production of biological weapons in 1969. Brezhnev offered a decrease
in tanks and troops in East Germany as long at NATO didn’t increase its missiles,
but this was not reciprocated by the U.S. This book has great quotes at the beginning of each chapter. “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little,” wrote Edward
Burke. “Remember your human try and forget the rest,” wrote Einstein. “I believe
that the problem of lessening the danger of annihilating humanity in a nuclear war
carries an absolute priority over all other considerations,” wrote Sakharov. The book
has lists of organizations you can join, sources of information, steps you as an
individual can take, steps the U.S. can take, how we arrived at the nuclear arms race,
what the physical effects of a nuclear war would be, the effects of the arms race, and
an impassioned plea to help.
Its conclusions to live by are:
1. Nuclear weapons are wholly evil. They are medically, socially,
biologically, morally, politically and even militarily unacceptable;
ultimately they must be eliminated from the earth.
2. The first step is a freeze on the testing, production, and deployment,
followed by negotiated reductions.
3. Nuclear war can not be limited or won. Its consequences are death,
death, and more death.
4. Civil defense is neither civil nor defense. It should be opposed.
5. Possessing more, or more accurate, nuclear weapons does not make a
country more secure; rather it increases the likelihood of nuclear war.
6. The U.S. has never been behind U.S.S.R., and is not now.
7. Although the risk or nuclear war is high, it is a man-made problem, with
man and woman-made solutions. It is not inevitable.
8. The movement to stop nuclear war should celebrate lire, bringing people
together in love, Joy, hope, and nurturance.
9. Each or us has a profound moral obligation to help stop nuclear war.
10. Every person counts. We must work together to stop nuclear war.
Bly, Robert:
News or the Universe - Collection or 150 poems about nature by Yeats, Frost, Jeffers,
Snyder, Stufford, Blake, Wordsworth, Williams, Dickinson, Neruda, Roetnite, Rilke,
Bulgakov, Mikhail:
The Master and Margarita - A fascinating novel about the devil, a magic pistol-packing cat,
romance, and individuals fighting against bureaucracy in Russia.
Carson, Rachel:
Silent Spring - The classic book about the decline in bird populations a result of DDT and
other pesticides. Our sale, or banned pesticides, to foreign countries and the recent
discovery of DDT in U.S. food as a breakdown product or a legal pesticide DOE
makes this book appropriate now.
Craighead, Frank:
The Track of Grizzly - The Craigheads study individual bears in Yellowstone. They study
the migration patterns using radio collars. They develop an affection for specific
bears and offer advice on how to protect bears and their habitat.
Epstein, Samuel:
Hazardous Waste in America - Case studies of Love Canal, toxic waste dumping, dumping
effects on ground water, dumping of waste oi1, and midnight dumping. Toxic waste
law, the technology of disposal, and what we can do comprise the rest or the book.
Fallows, James:
National Defense - James Fallow interviewed the military and concluded that the
military spends too much money on large, complex, unwieldy weapons systems
that don’t work while ignoring maintenance, training, morale, and suggestions from
outside the military establishment. His interviews reveal the contrast between
individuals concern for human life and the careless greed and hubris or the
bureaucracy or the military-industry complex. Very readable and important. The
military is becoming as much a show and public relations campaign as the
presidential elections have become.
Farrell, John Aloysius:
The New Indian Wars - This booklet details the plights of different tribes across the U.S..
Water rights, mineral rights, sacred religious areas, grazing rights, fishing rights.
Each or these is being wrested away from an Indian tribe. This book portrays specific
conflicts between development and native culture across the U.S..
Ferguson, Denzel and Nancy:
Sacred Cows at the Public Trough - This book details the destruction caused by overgrazing
on public lands. Wildlife refuges and other public lands are doused with
pesticides, filled with predator traps, and overgrazed until the water table drops, the
birds and waterfowl leave, and the native plants are gone.
Fossey, Diana:
Gorillas in the Mist - The author tells how she gained the trust of a group of gorillas and
tried to protect them from poachers.
Friends of the Earth:
Progress as if Survival Mattered - To be an effective environmentalist almost requires
one to be conversant in many diverse fields. Thus Progress is the perfect activist
handbook because or its wide range or important topics - population control, war,
wilderness, and so forth. The chapter conclusions, called “Recommended Actions,”
are especially useful. The person who wants an interconnected view or world
problems should read this book.
Giona, Jean:
The Man Who Planted Hope and Grew Happiness - The true story of a man who planted
100 acorns a day for 30 years, converting thousands of acres of dry, bare, eroded
hillsides into lush, moist valleys full of wildlife. This is but 15-20 pages long, but it is
quite inspirational.
Green, Mark:
There He Goes Again, Ronald Reagan’s Reign of Errors - A collection of his errors, and self
serving stories over the years. Reagan makes up story after story to make his version of the world plausible.
Lopez, Barry:
Of Wolves and Man - O’ all the animals on earth, perhaps none have been as
misunderstood and persecuted as the wolf, canis lupus. After a very readable
treatment of ’ the wolf ’s ecology, Lopez describes the folklore and troubled
relationship between wolves and men. Parts of that history will make you cry. This
book is a “must read” for the serious wildlife lover.
McPhee, John:
In Suspect Terrain -
The Curve of Binding Energy - Ted Taylor, an ex-nuclear weapons designer, explains to
McPhee how nuclear weapons work and the need to stop them. He explains how
easy it is for anyone to make a crude nuclear bomb. You get a feel for how scientists
at Los Alamos think, and understand how he progressed from a weapons maker to
an antinuke activist.
Encounters with the Archdruid - David Brower, the founder of Friends of ’ the Earth,
argues with 3 opponents: a geologist who wants to develop minerals and oil in
wilderness, has spent more time out in the wilderness than Brower, and knows more
about the wild animals and plants than Brower; a man pushing for resort
construction in wilderness; and a dam builder in charge of ’ the dams on the
Colorado River. The antagonists grow to respect-each other, yet disagree. Brower
and the dam builder argue about the use of water while rafting down the Colorado
and exploring its side canyons. McPhee, as usual, shows how the personal history of ’
each man has shaped his belief ’s and character.
The John McPhee Reader - Excerpts from his books. Sections on John Bradley, the
basketball star and now a senator; the people and history of New Jersey’s wild Pine
Barrens; Arthur Ashe, the first black tennis star; the contemporary relations between
the laird of Scottish island and its tenant farmers, poised between the 16th and 20th
centuries; the attempts to make a rigid dirigible that generates winglike lift with its
deltoid pumpkin seed shape; the story of birch back canoe makers; the story of how
oranges are grown; and the story of a Georgia naturalist and ecology activist who
tries to save rivers, inventories natural areas, collects (and sometimes eats) road kills,
and takes Jimmy Carter for a canoe trip to win his help in preserving a wild river.
The Crofter and the Laird - A deep, rich tapestry of the relations between an English laird
and 80 farmers on his island off Scotland. He rents them farms for an average of 15
pounds/year. Crofter and Laird alternatively enjoy and wish to escape from their
feudal habits.
Myers, Norman:
A Wealth of Wild Species - Norman brings forth the importance of wild species to our
food, health, comfort and enjoyment. He shows how we could protect native plants,
insects, fish, snakes, lizards, and mammals for a small investment and reap a vast
return in terms of discovering and protecting species useful for seeds for crops,
rubber, energy, timber, nitrogen fixing crops, medicine, and natural pest control. Of
the estimated 250,000 species or flowering plants, scientist have only analyzed
5000 species. Out of these 5000, 41 are now used in medicine, generating
commercial sales of $40 bill ion. This book is full I of stories ranging from that
or the Green Revolution to particular species found useful for specific drugs and
crops. William Beeke wrote, ‘’The beauty and genius of a work of art may be
reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony
may yet inspire the composer; but when the last Individual of a race of living things
breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass away before such a
one can be again.”
Mowat, Farley:
The Desperate People and The People of the Deer - Detail the forced physical relocations of
Eskimos and the destruction or their religion and culture. These are sad books, that
show how we abuse native peoples.
Never Cry Wolf - Farley Mowat learns to mark his territory as the wolves do, by urinating.
He eats mice, Eskimos befriend him, and he develops a curiosity and respect for the
ecology of the North. This is a celebration of wolves.
A Whale for the Killing - Newfoundland locals, blase about an endangered fin whale
trapped in a nearby cove, use it for target practice. Farley Mowat tries to save it,
while its mate waits outside the cove. This book shows how humans can be short-
sighted and can lack the imagination to value what is truly beautiful.
Scheer, Robert:
With Enough Shovels, Reagan, Bush and Nuclear War - This books shows adult politicians
and military planners talking of winning a nuclear war. They talk of “making
the rubble bounce,” (i.e. having enough bombs left to threaten renewed devastation).
A group of right wing extremists complain that the CIA doesn’t show that the
Russians are far enough ahead of us, so Reagan appoints them to important
positions in his cabinet defense department, and arms control agency. These people
believe that by playing nuclear chicken with the Russians, we can force them to
spend so much on arms that their society will collapse. They accept the possibility
that this might cause a nuclear war, and they want to be sure we win it. The book
is full of frightening interviews with Bush, Reagan, and their aides. The quote on
the albatross/nuke war t-shirt comes from here, as does the comment of T.K. Jones,
Reagan’s Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, “Dig a hole, cover it with a couple
of doors and then throw three feet of dirt of top ... It’s the dirt that does it ... if there
are enough shovels to go around, everybody’s going to make it.”
Schell, Jonathan:
The Fate of the Earth - The classic, well written story of how close we are to nuclear war and
what we estimate the effects of such a war to be.
Wilkonson, Hoover:
Medicine for the Mountaineering - A detailed basic handbook for medical care. Written for
expedition climbers, it is equally useful for day hikes or as a home first aid guide and
medical reference book.
Endangered Species
- Center for Biological Diversity – started protecting Arizona and New Mexico forests and river ecosystems, they now protects endangered species and fight global warming through lawsuits and field research
- Endangered Species Coalition – organizes to protect endangered species
- Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) – finds out if countries and companies are harming wildlife an violating the law, such as selling endangered whale meat or products made from endangered rhinos and elephants
- International Union for Conservation of Nature – helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges
- Center for Biological Diversity
- WildEarth Guardians
- TRAFFIC – fights trade in endangered species
Global Warming
- – organizes protests, divestment campaigns, non-violent civil disobedience, and local and national movements to stop coal and oil companies
- Greenpeace – protects wildlife and fights global warming and ocean pollution; fights nuclear power and fights nuclear pollution
- Clean Energy Action – organizes against coal and helps to fight global warming, they collect success stories from communities around the world that have increased renewables energy sources and efficiency, they support municipalization of the Xcel, the Colorado elctric utility, keeps investing in coal power plants and opposing a rapid change to efficiency and renewables
- Sierra Club
- Rising Tide North America
- Ruckus Society – provides environmental, human rights, and social justice organizers with the tools, training, and support needed to achieve their goals through the strategic use of creative, nonviolent direct action
- SustainUS
- Students for a Just and Stable Future
- Oxfam – worldwide development organization that mobilizes the power of people against poverty
- International Trade Union Confederation – uniting autonomous and democratic trade unions
- ActionAid International – a global movement of people working together to further human rights and defeat poverty for all
- Friends of the Earth – fights for wildlife and our planet
- Roots & Shoots – Jane Goodall’s youth-led community action and learning program
- Earth Guardians
- Appalachian Community Health Emergency – the first law ever proposed that would end the human rights/health disaster that is Mountaintop Removal in Appalachia
- Tom Weis
- Bioneers – an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet, with DVDs and radio shows
- Green America
- Organic Consumers Association – amazing coalition that fights for organic food, peace, economic justice- against GMOs, antibiotics in foods, pesticides, and toxic chemicals
- Food and Water Watch – works to make food and water safe
- Institute for Local Self Reliance – creates local sustainable communities through the smart utilization of local resources
- Institute for Agricultural & Trade Policy – create environmentally and economically sustainable communities and regions through sound agriculture and trade policy
- Eco-cycle – pushing the zero waste goal. Boulder requires separation by households, but needs to require it by businesses.
- Treehugger – partial to a modern aesthetic, it shares sustainable design, green news and solutions
Environmental Justice
- Global Justice Ecology Center
- Global Green Grants
- Center for Health, Environment, & Justice
- Science of Environmental Health Network
- Boulder Rights of Nature – establishing legal rights for naturally functioning ecosystems and native species
- Earthjustice
- Natural Resources Defense Council – works to safeguard the earth, its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends
- Center for Biological Diversity – works through science, law and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction
- Center for Health, Environment & Justice – helps communities organize to fight toxics, works to ban PVCs, and pressures companies to no longer sell toxic products
- BlueGreen Alliance
Environmental and Wildlife Groups
- National Audubon Society – protects birds, wildlife, their habitats, and rivers
- Mass Audubon – works to protect the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife through conservation, education, and advocacy
- Birds of Prey – a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of injured and orphaned raptors
- Sierra Club – fights to protect wild places and wildlife; opposes coal and fossil fuel plants, has local groups that organize, protest, sue, and lobby and support environmentally green candidates
- Earth First!
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment
- Conservation International
- Defenders of Wildlife
- Earth Island Institute
- Center for Biological Diversity – works through science, law and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction
- Humane Society USA – animal protection agency
- Wild Earth Guardians
- World Watch Institute – analyzes interdisciplinary environmental data from around the world, providing information on how to build a sustainable society
- Animal Welfare Institute – protects whales, dolphins, turtles, birds, and lobbies for humane treatment of animals
- Bat Conservation International, Inc. – protects bats and their habitat
- Center for Biological Diversity – great group doing the scientific surveys and lawsuits to protect wildlife , rivers, forests and to prevent global warming
- Friend of Animals – a non-profit, international animal advocacy organization, incorporated in the state of New York since 1957
- Fund for Animals
- Alliance for the Wild Rockies – works to protect wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, and biological corridors in the U.S. northern Rockies
- Eco Watch – updates on issues
- Public Employees for Environmental Ethics –
- Boulder Rights of Nature -protect species and ecosystems
- Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center – clean up nuclear weapons plant and prevent war
- WildEarth Guardians / Sinapu – works to protect and restore wildlife, wild places and wild rivers in the American West
- Mountain Justice – stop mountain top removal by coal companies
- Tree People – protects trees, wetlands, and neighborhoods in California
- Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics – a nonprofit organization working to forge a socially responsible value system for the U.S.Forest Service about the organization, issues information and action
- Southern Plains Land Trust – they protect over 25,000 acres for prairie grassland animals and plants
Sea Life and Whales
- Sea Sheperd Society – an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization
- Greenpeace – protects wildlife and fights global warming and ocean pollution fights nuclear power fights nuclear pollution
- Animal Wildlife Institute – dedicated to reducing animal suffering caused by people
- American Cetacean Society – education, conservation, and research from the world’s first cetacean protection organization
- Marine Mammal Stranding Center
Other Animals
- The Xerces Society – a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat
- Bat Conservation International, Inc. – protects bats and their habitat
- Morris Animal Foundation – the largest nonprofit foundation dedicated to funding research studies to protect, treat and cure animals
- DigitFund – Mountain Gorillas
- Mission Wolf – a solar-powered wolf sanctuary in the remote mountains of Colorado
- Primarily Primates
- International Private Protection League (IPPL) – works for the well-being of primates
Citizen Protection
- Iraq Body Count – tries to establish an independent public database of civilian deaths in Iraq resulting directly from military actions by the USA and its allies in 2003
- OpenStreetMap – was used in Arab Spring to find out what roads were open and to find shelter and to avoid the military; create maps, show local areas, show where there is safe drinking water, etc.
- Cultural Survival – partnering with indigenous peoples to defend their lands, languages, and cultures
Citizen Science
- Audubon Society – Christmas and spring bird counts
- Zooniverse
- University of Oxford and John Hopkins University – identifies stars, meteoroids, comets, asteroids
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology – counts birds and nests through “Celebrate Urban Birds” Program
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, (CoCoRaHS) – run by Colorado State University in Fort Collins, has more than 16,000 volunteer citizen scientists of all ages signed up nation wide
- University of Colorado Museum of Natural History’s program “Bees’ Needs” – counts bees based on the type and size of nest and the diameter of the hole in wooden drilled out holes.
- USA National Phenology Network
- Environmental Working Group
- Food & Water Watch
- New Yorkers Against Fracking
- Americans against Fracking
- Fractivist – anti fracking blog, data, social change, data mining, fractivist (a body of individuals who fight for a purpose higher than self)
- Noise Pollution Clearinghouse – a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources
- One Square Inch – Gordon Hempton’s sanctuary for silence; book and site about protecting wild areas from noise
- ’International Dark Sky Association – lobbies against light pollution
- Wiser Earth – a social network for sustainability with lists of groups
- Oil Change International – about oil pollution
- Global Green Grants – gives small grants and money to indigenous groups that are fighting against pollution by mines, oil and gas development, etc.
- Partners in Help – helps people in poor countries get healthcare and prevent the spread of diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis and antibiotic resistant TB
- Public Citizen – fights for safety and health concerns, plus fair elections and regulations to protesct consumers from unsafe products and being defrauded by large banks and corporations
- GMO Vaccines in Organic
- Farmers Market
- Local Harvest – helps you find local farmers’ markets
- Local Food Shift
- Organic Consumers Association: Clothes for a Change Campaign – a global campaign to raise awareness about the negative health and environmental effects of conventional and genetically engineered cotton and the institutionalized exploitation of clothing sweatshops
- Action on Smoking and Health
- Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution (GASP)
- Stop Teenage Addiction to Tobacco
- Consumer Reports – product reviews and Ratings on cars, appliances, electronics and more
- Consumers Union – the policy and action division of Consumer Reports
- Conservation International
- Trust for Public Lands – conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens, natural areas and open space
- Public Citizen’s Health Research Group
- Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Human Rights
- Center for Constitutional Rights – dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Human Rights Watch
- Amnesty International
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Center to Protect Journalists
- UCS: Independent Science, Practical Solutions | Union of Concerned Scientists – fights nuclear power and supports renewables and efficiency
- Public Citizen’s Critical Mass – advocates for affordable, clean and sustainable energy
- Greenpeace – independent direct-action environmental organization
- Greenpeace (Nuclear waste)
- Natural Resources Defense Council – works to safeguard the earth, its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends
- Federation of American Scientists
- American Friends Service Committee – anti-war committee
- National Security Archive
- Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
- Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)
- Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
- Southern Alliance for Clean Energy – coalition of environmental and citizen organizations promoting green energy in the TVA region
- Snake River Alliance – call for peace and justice, the end to nuclear weapons, responsible solutions to nuclear waste and contamination, and sustainable alternatives to coal and nuclear power
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Palouse-Clearwater Envirionmental Institute – Moscow, ID
- Southwest Research Info Center – works on health, environmental issues, and community assistance
- Energy Research Foundation – Columbia, SC
- Environmental Policy Institute – dedicated to planning a sustainable future and providing a roadmap of how to get from here to there
- Government Accountability Project
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
- River Keeper – monitors water pollution in rivers, bays, creeks,
- Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides
- Beyond Pesticides – national coalition against the miisuse of pesticides
- Pesticide Action Network – links local and international consumer, labor, health, environment and agriculture groups into an international citizens’ action network
- Organic Consumers Association – research and Action Center for the Organic, Buy local, and Fair trade movements
- AFLCIO – federation of labor organizations and contains links to member unions, speeches, organizing information
- United Farm Workers – organizes agricultural workers, many of whom are Mexican-Americans
- Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture
- Environmental Working Group (EWG) – monitors and publicizes toxics, such as pesticides
- Planned Parenthood – the nation’s leading sexual and reproductive health care provider and advocate
- Zero Population Growth (ZPG)
- Negative Population Growth (NPG)
- Project on Government Oversight (POGO) – an independent nonprofit that investigates and exposes corruption and other misconduct in order to achieve a more effective, accountable, open, and ethical federal governmen
- Peace jam
- Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) – Quaker
- Common Dreams – news, analysis and links to progressive organizations and information
- Environmental Protection Information Canter (EPIC)
- Northcoast Environmental Center
- Oregon Wild
- Siskiyou Project (KS Wild)
- Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
- Rainforest Action Network – campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action
- Global Green Grants – provide small grants to grassroots groups working on environmental sustainability and social justice
- Friends of the Earth Malaysia (SAM)
- Society of Ethnobiology – a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the relationships of plants and animals with human cultures worldwide
- Missouri Botanical Gardens
- Friends of the Earth Malaysia – founded to combat worsening environmental deterioration triggered by the country’s rapid development
- Friends of the Earth International – world’s largest grassroots environmental network
- Third World Network (TWN) – independent non-profit international network of organizations and individuals involved in issues on development and the Third World
Water and Rivers
- American Littoral Society
- American Rivers
- Desert Fishes Council – mission is to preserve the biological integrity of desert aquatic ecosystems and their associated life forms, to hold symposia to report related research and management endeavors, and to effect rapid dissemination of information concerning activities of the Council and its members
- International Rivers Network – organization working to halt destructive river infrastructure projects, address the legacies of existing projects and improve development policies and practices
- River Network – helps local groups to protect wild rivers from pollution, development, and dams
- Water Defense – works to create a world where water is safe to drink, a world where the oceans don’t rise and the economy is powered by clean, sustainable sources of energy like wind, water and solar
- Clean Water Action – a national citizens’ organization working for clean, safe, and affordable water, and prevention of health-threatening pollution
- Food & Water Watch – fights fracking and pollution in our food and water
- Move to Amend – We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights
- Public Citizen – a national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded in 1971 to represent consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts
- New Era – organizes youth to vote and participate in politics; because youth are more progressive than older people, they are supporting issues such as sustainable energy, and the municipalizaion of electric companies
- Public Campaign – stop corporations and wealthy interests from buying our elections
- Working Families Party – evaluates thousands of candidates every year and only support the ones who stand with us on the issues that matter most to working families, from good jobs to quality schools to fair taxes to clean energy
- Green Party – acts to improve the quality of our environment and everyday lives
- Common Cause – fights for good government and fair elections, against fraud
- Government Accountability Project
- Probe International
- Project Censored
- Public Employees for Environmental Responsibilities (PEER) – protecting employees who protect our environment
- PR watch -Center for Media and Democracy
- Ring of Fire
- Project on Government Oversight (POGO) – an independent nonprofit that investigates and exposes corruption and other misconduct in order to achieve a more effective, accountable, open, and ethical federal government
Election Reform
- New Era – organizes youth to vote and participate in politics; because youth are more progressive than older people, they are supporting issues such as sustainable energy, and the municipalizaion of electric companies
- League of Conservation Voters
- Common Cause
- Public Citizen – a national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded in 1971 to represent consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts
- Public Campaign – stop corporations and wealthy interests from buying our elections
- OpenSecrets – the most comprehensive resource for federal campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis available anywhere; it lists campaign contributions to politicians from companies and individuals
- Move to Amend – We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights
- League of Woman Voters
- Sierra Club Committee on Political Education
- – Divest from the nation’s largest Wall Street banks and move to local financial institutions such as credit unions and local banks. Little has changed to prevent another financial crisis or to end ‘Too Big To Fail,’ and with Congress unwilling to act, we are encouraging individuals to take power into their own hands by voting with their dollars and no longer contributing to a financial system that has lead our country astray. Give people real, concrete actions they can take to create a more sane, stable and localized banking system.
- US Uncut – direct action against corporate tax cheats and unnecessary and unfair public service cuts
- Probe International – rethinking foreign aid, restoring accountability, reinvigorating economies, monitors for corruption and fraud in large overseas projects
- League of American Bicyclists – promotes bicycling, bike commuting
- Crazy Guy on a Bike – blog and journal for people making long bike trips, weeks and months long
- Adventure Cycling Association – bike touring
- KGNU – independent Community Radio broadcasting at 88.5 FM in Boulder and 1390 AM in Denver
- Wikileaks
- Privacy Rights – a nonprofit consumer education and advocacy project whose purpose is to advocate for consumers’ privacy rights in public policy proceedings
- Electronic Privacy Information Center – a public interest research center that tracks news and legislation on First Amendment, and constitutional issues of privacy
- Electronic Frontier Foundation – a donor-supported membership organization working to protect fundamental rights regardless of technology
- Democracy Now – a daily independent global news hour with Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez
- Alternet – syndication service and online community of the alternative press, featuring news stories from alternative newsweeklies, magazines and web publications
- Consortium for Independent Journalism – the first investigative news magazine on the Internet; a home for important, well-reported stories and a challenge to the inept but dominant mainstream news media of the day
- Center for Media and Democracy
- Center for Media and Democracy’s PR Watch
- Matt Taibbi
- Vandana Shiva
- Arundhati Roy
- Robert Scheer
- Robert Perry-Consortium News
- Chris Braucli
- FireDogLake
- John Nichols
- PR Watch
- Bill Moyers
- Glenn Greenwald
- Alternative Radio
- Rights of Nature
- The Trouble with Billionaires- Linda McQuaig
- Guardian
- The Independent
- McClatchy News
- Digby hullabaloo