-Stop the nuclear arms race. Russia, the US, and China are making new and more threatening nuclear bombs, missiles, torpedoes, and subs. Russia, China, Israel, NATO and the US threaten to use nuclear weapons, which in the fog of war could lead to massive nuclear war.
-A nuclear war would raise so much dust that many plants. animals, and people on land would die in a 3 year long "nuclear winter" of dark skies.
-Renew treaties: limit the number of long, medium and short range nuclear missiles and bombs.
- Ban nuclear testing, missile defense systems, and modernizing missiles, bombs, and missile defense systems.
-Take missiles off of hair-trigger "launch on warning" alert.
-Pledge no first use of nuclear weapons.
-Restart nuclear hotline communications between US, Russia, and China leaders and generals to prevent accidental war.
-Remove attack missiles and defensive missiles from the borders of rivals, as these lead generals on both sides to fear and to contemplate doing a first strike against each other (some crazy military planners think they can do a first strike and then shoot down the leftover missiles)
-Prevent AI computer control over the start of nuclear war.
-Stop nuclear power, as it enriches uranium, allowing more nuclear bombs to be made, and it trains scientists in the technology that enriches uranium to be able to make nuclear bombs. Also there is no solution to nuclear waste disposal; a flood, earthquake, tsunami, fire, or terrorist could cause a single nuclear accident that could give cancer thousands of people and make NYC, NJ, and Philadelphia or LA into nuclear wastelands. (see Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island).
-Prevent: destabilizing space weapons; modernized, more accurate, and more difficult to destroy missiles; and better tracking of nuclear armed subs.
-Be kind to others. Join groups working to prevent nuclear war. Work for justice, be playful, and appreciate the beauty of the world and of others. Experience, appreciate, and respect other cultures, people, religions, food, music, art, countries, classes, and skin colors. Do cultural interchanges. Mock leaders who demonize others.
-Negotiate peace treaties in Ukraine, Palestine, Kashmir, Taiwan, the Sudan, Congo, Myanmar,....
-Good groups: Physicians for Social Responsibility, Natural Resources Defense Council, Beyond Nuclear, Greenpeace, Federation of American Scientists, Program on Government Oversight
- The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize was given to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
-Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
-The 2024 Nobel Peace prize was recently given to the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations
See the movie "Dr. Strangelove"
The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability works to close and clean up nuclear weapons production sites.
There is hope -In the 1980s, the US and Russia had 60,000 nuclear weapons, and presidents Reagan and Gorbachev reduced the number to about 3,000 deployed. There are now about 12,000. So protests, marches, demonstrations, worked before.
War Profiteering
Break up war profiteers that inflame fears of other countries and religions to start and escalate wars ,as they are now monopolies and oligopolies. Weapons cos. may bribe politicians, fund opposition candidates, run dirty campaigns, hide their campaign contributions, smear opponents, pack courts, file lawsuits, do PR, and lobby.
Oil companies and war profiteers may foment fear, start, and escalate wars to generate profits and sabotage their competitors (exa. Iraq, Libya, Iran, Afghanistan)
Big weapons companies: Lockheed Martin, Mitsubishi, Boeing, BAE Systems, General Dynamics,RTX Corporation, Bechtel, KBR, Academi (formerly known as Blackwater), Halliburton, Bechtel, KBR, Halliburton, Huawei Technologies