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    A bee collects pollen from a sunflower in Utrecht

    Help Save the Bees!

    We should avoid pesticides on our lawns and in the plants that we buy. In particular, we need to ask stores if their plants have the systemic pesticides, neonicotinoids or neonics, that appear to be killing bees. We should plant plants that are good for bees, butterflies, birds, wildlife and humans. Many pesticides sicken children, pets, and people. Read more: Protecting backyard bees Many people are marching and organizing to protect bees. Join them! Groups that fight against pesticides include:


    Does Your Child Have Lead Poisoning?

    I went to a preview of an almost finished documentary movie on lead poisoning, Mislead: America's Secret Epidemic. It shows that many cases of ADD, ADHD, and autism are caused by lead poisoning. 1/3 of the kids in the US have unsafe levels of lead. It recommends having kids' blood tested for lead and having houses tested for lead if the kids' level is high. Also it mentioned a report where most of the decline in violent crime is due to a decrease in lead from leaded gasoline. It might make a good play. It is going around to some film festivals. It reminded me of the syphilis play David Feldshur did (where doctors and officials chose not to treat black men with antibiotics who had syphilis, because they wanted to prove that black men would go through the same stages before death as white men, to whom they gave the antibiotics). Lead poisoning costs $50.9 billion per year, just for some of the costs. There was a court judgment in December, 2013, in California. Tamara, the director and interviewer in the film, spoke at the preview. She targets the movie at mothers and pregnant women between the ages of 20 to 42. The goal is to get them upset so they will pressure the government to force cleanups of homes and schools. There is a payback of between 20 and 200 to 1 for every dollar spent in prevention. The California case involved a tobacco lawyer and took 13 years, but it may be overturned or limited by the appeal court. Maybe an anti-tobacco law firm would be interested in financing the writing of a play. Maybe I should write a play. The director said that for TV, they want more of a story or reality TV slant showing how hard it is to live with a child with difficulties. The EPA is prevented from requiring cleanups of lead in schools and homes by the power of the paint and lead industries that lobby and donate money to politicians. What do you know about lead poisoning? Have you had your children tested? Leave a comment below.

    plastic waterbottles

    Think BPA-free plastics are safe? Think again.

    Recent studies have shown that BPA-free plastics often used in cups, bottles, and containers can be just as dangerous as BPA plastics, if not more so. Most of the 80,000 chemicals in use have not been tested for safety due to lobbying, lawsuits, PR campaigns, and campaign contributions by chemical companies. Solution: Use STAINLESS STEEL and GLASS for BOTTLES and FOOD CONTAINERS (sippy cups, Tupperware, water bottles, especially for children). MINIMIZE the use of plastics. Estrogenic chemicals leach from many plastics and are correlated with breast cancer and altered childhood development. Read the Democracy Now interview and Mother Jones article for details on the struggle to publicize this research.

    Water is life shirt design

    Featured shirt: Water is Life

    All livings things on earth require water. But the supply of potable water in the world is decreasing at an alarming rate. Disasters like the recent West Virginia toxic chemical spill, along with agricultural, industrial, and military pollution, continue to contaminate one aquifer after another. This design by artist Ruben Saufkie reminds us that caring for earth's water supply is of paramount importance to all life on earth. Currently available in:

    • Men's Organic (brown)
    • Men's Heavyweight (brown)
    • Women's Organic Relaxed Fit (brown)
    • Men's Organic Longsleeve (brown)
    Purchase here Would you like to see more designs like this? Or perhaps the same design in a different color or style? Let us know in the comments below!

    Clean water delivery

    Crowdsourcing help for the pollution in WV

    West Virginia is in a state of emergency. Water is poisoned in nine counties due to the toxic chemical spill that occurred on January 9. WV Clean Water Hub is a place where citizens can help and get help by posting offers or needs for clean water. Please share this resource with anyone you think might be affected. Feel free to post your thoughts and stories of this disaster in the comments section below. How can we ensure this does not happen again?

    Leaping Dolphins shirt design

    Featured shirt: Leaping Dolphins

    Dolphins playfully dare swim with joyful hearts in the currents of life.

    From Asante Riverwind comes a trio of daring dolphins - themselves an ocean gift, giving us, as we watch the wonder of joyful hearts.


    Would you like to see more designs like this? Or perhaps the same design in a different color or style? Let us know in the comments below!