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    Epidemics - Books & Movies

    The Betrayal of Public Trust and The Coming Plague by Laurie Garrett http://lauriegarrett.com/ She explains how medical investigators figure out the causes of epidemics. She describes how we need a public health system and a disease surveillance system. She also notes along with Paul Farmer, Jim Kim, and Ophelia Dahl and the other founders of Partners in Health, the need to treat all people, especially to provide options for the poor. If we do not treat the sick people in Africa, Russian jails, and the South America, both those people will suffer and diseases will grow and spread from there. Where many people are sick and are given incomplete and varying doses of antibiotics, the bacteria develop resistance. Similarly, some of the AIDS drugs both are not available to the poor and do not cure AIDS, but just prevent the bad effects. Sometimes people do not use condoms, and AIDS spreads. In the US, some young people think AIDS is cured, so they engage in unprotected sex. In South Africa , large fractions 15% to 26%) of the population get AIDS. So we need changes in behavior and culture so that people use condoms and don't spread it. She also relates like a thrilling story the way that people investigate a disease outbreak. First they notice an unusual rise in similar symptoms. Then they have to figure what the sick people have in common. They have to determine what causes it- a parasite, a bacteria, a virus, a retro virus, some radiation leak from some pollution,... They have to figure out how the disease is transmitted – fleas on rats, worms in the ground or the water, poop of a bird, bite of an infected mosquito, urine aerosolized by sweeping the dirt floor, . .. Then what is the solution? And what was the cause? In one example, cutting down the trees to make a plantation displaced the rats from the forest, so they moved into town, where sweeping the dirt floors of the housed spread their urine into the air, where people inhaled it. Then cats were introduced to rid the huts of rats and the disease. Sometimes we do not figure out what caused an outbreak. Adventures of a Female Medical Detective by Mary Guinan She fights smallpox and AIDS, and helps to figure out that a disease originates from in the contaminated tubes of an army emergency room. Plagues and People by William H McNeill -a history of infectious diseases, Mentioning the bubonic plague in China, typhoid epidemic in Europe, and smallpox in Mexico. He explains how people discovered that some diseases were caused by the the human sewage, because they occurred in cities which had their water intake downstream from the sewage outflow. Another disease was traced back to everyone who used a certain polluted water pump in London. Milkmaids were resistance to pox from their exposure to cow pox. The French then inoculated their army with cowpox and were able to be much healthier. Earlier theories had guessed that diseases were caused by a fog or a cloud. Parasite Rex and A Planet of Viruses by Carl Zimmer These show how prevalent parasites, virueses, and bacteria are. It is amazing how many parasites are inside birds and clams. They are part of the ecosystems. Some people's asthma goes away if they get parasitic worms. Some think that humans and other species evolved with parasites and almost need them. Six Modern Plagues by Jerome Walters Mad Cow Disease, HIV/AIDS, Salmonella DT104, Lyme Disease, Hantavirus, West Nile, and new strains of flu. He shows that they originate from manipulation of the environment, from emitting carbon and clear-cutting forests to feeding naturally herbivorous cows “recycled animal protein.” Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure the WorldTracy Kidder. “The book traces the life of physician and anthropologist Paul Farmer with particular focus on his work fighting tuberculosis in Haiti,Peru and Russia.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountains_Beyond_Mountains Some movies about epidemics: movie “Contagion” where Laurie Garrett was an advisor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contagion_(film)) “Outbreak” http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/outbreak-1995 “28 Days Later” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/28_Days_Later

    And the Band Played On (1993) “the real story of epidemiologists trying to make sense of mysterious deaths among the gay communities” Book and movie- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_the_Band_Played_On

    Some alien movies: . District 9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_9 Monsters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsters_(2010_film)) a monster movie caused by pollution

    The Host (2006)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Host_(2006_film)

    Win against Mining in Minnesota

    70,000 citizens and the The Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness group pressured the federal governement to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area from sulfide mining leases! The denying an extension of the leases. Mining pollutes the lakes and rivers which are vital for drinking water, wildlife, and native tribe wild rice cultivation.

    Need Paper Ballots and Audits for Elections

    I really liked the new movie, "I Voted? ", which shows how vulnerable electronic voting machines are. Also, on line voting is totally hackable. We need paper ballots to be able to do audits. In 30 seconds of access to an electronic voting machine, all the machines in an area can be hacked. Does your vote count? The answer is both surprising & disturbing. Learn how America's voting works in this non-partisan documentary. This is in addition to problems of taking hundreds of thousands of voters off of the voting rolls, reducing the number of polling places,their hours, and the number of machines. Currently, voting machine companies, their lobbyists, and county and state officials dominate the discussion. They don't want anyone to interfere. Democracy Now had a show on this on 11-30-16. Also, Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis have a new book, Strip and Flip, about this. The central tabulators can be hacked. The optical scanners can be hacked. So we need paper ballots and audits, which many European countries have. blackboxvoting.org also has many articles about election fraud.

    Boulder County Hearing on GMO crops

    Boulder County Commissioners public hearing on phasing out GMO crops and pesticides on county lands at 3 -5 pm on Wednesday, 11-30-16.

    3:00 p.m. To 5 pm PARKS AND OPEN SPACE DEPARTMENT Public Hearing: Commissioners will consider the Draft Transition Plan for Phasing Out GE Crops on Boulder County Open Space Property

    PUBLIC COMMENT An online sign-up process for Individual Speakers and Pool Time speakers is available at BoulderCountyOpenSpace.org/croplandpolicy

    You can also sign up at the event to speak. You could pool your time with Rich Andrews to allow him to speak longer.

    Meetings are held in the Third Floor Hearing Room, Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO.

    Here are some point to make: Support the commissioners plan to phase out GMOs. We need to convert county open space land to growing sustainable organic food and feed. To avoid glyphosphate which causes cancer, and which is used with GMO sugar beets. To avoid pesticides built into the plant such as BT in corn. Also to avoid neonicotinoids which harm bees, butterflies, ladybugs, and other beneficial insects. To avoid using dangerous pesticides. To do it sooner, not to wait many years. Only about 100 acres of GMO sugar beets were planted last year on open space land, so it is not a big deal to phase it out. To ignore the steady drumbeat of letters asking for delays. Monsanto and other GMO companies are just trying to delay and cause doubt, just like the tobacco companies and fracking companies do. They hope to replace Commissioners Jones and Gardner before the phase out happens. They try to change the story away from how GMOs and pesticides give cancer, kill bees and butterflies, and harm local, organic farms.

    Details about the hearings