Wilderness Talk by George Wuerthner- "Dream Big"
He told neat stories, recounted the history of the fight for wilderness, pointed out the current threats, and told us : to spend a lot of time out in wilderness, gave us reasons to protect wilderness, told us to write letters to the editor and to read books by Bob Marshall, Olaus Murie, Sigurd Olson, and John Muir.
Here is link that talks about a man who organized the grassroots to protect wild places and also by the way help society. https://wildernesswatch.org/1964-wilderness-act/brandymoveson
Often organisations focus on the grassroots for awhile, but them go back to lobbying in Washington DC. This is a constant fight between the ones who Dream Big and the ones who worry about not making waves. Dave Brower left the Sierra Club to found Friends of the Earth, then left it to found Earth Island. Greenpeace often has local canvasers and protesters.
George Wuerthner, Wilderness Watch's Advocate-Organizer
"Wilderness Under Siege"
With George Wuerthner