Teach-In on Fracking, Oil Spills, and Climate Change
On Saturday 4-23-16 from 9 to 5, fascinating speakers will be at CU Math 100 from 9 am to 5 pm. Antonia Juhasz (live) wrote books about oil and Bush. Cornell professor Ingrafffea found that natural gas wells and pipelines leak at a high rate.
TEACH IN: Featuring (live via skype) Professor Anthony Ingraffea, one of the world's leading experts on fracking technology. He wrote a paper on the methane ``leak rate'' of fracking wells/distribution which was denounced by President Obama's Dept. of Energy, and subsequently some years after the same folks apologized to Ingraffea. Ingraffea has also attracted attempts to, shall we say, intimidate him -- but he has not backed down and sticks with solid science/engineering. In person, we will have two exceptional investigative journalist/authors: Antonia Juhasz, San Francisco, (``Tyranny of Oil'' and other books) and Andrew Nikiforuk, Alberta, Canada (``Slickwater: Fracking and One Insider's Stand Against the World's Most Powerful Industry,'' and ``Tar Sands'', and other books), They will present talks and do a book-signing in conjuction with the Boulder Bookstore. We will also have local talent from NCAR (Dan Ziskin, on global warming scenarios that don't get press coverage) and others. Lunch available, but not free :)) Link