Ojibwe Tribes and Locals Defeat Wisconsin Iron Mines!
Using native sovereign treaty rights plus educating local people about the threats to water quality, wetlands, fish, wildlife, and rice beds, natives stopped the huge Gogebic Taconite iron mine in northern Wisconsin. Pro-mining forces gave $ 15 million to Gov. Walker and legislators. The company got to write a new state law that would allow mining waste to be dumped into wetlands. They got Walker to fire the 66 staffers at the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources. Walker tried to appoint the mining company flack to the state DNR. The mine's owner Chris Cline, has given $1.5 million to Illinois politicians including the Illinois Governor, House Speaker, and Supreme court Justice. His coal companies have 8,000 federal safety violations since 2004. Two other large iron mines were stopped by Ojibwe tribes with alliances with environmental groups and local citizens. So mines and oil drilling can be stopped by campaigning together, especially when you start early. The giant Pebble mine in Alaska, is also being held up by the EPA, which says that it would destroy the last intact salmon ecosystem. Pollution and failure to obtain consent of the local communities leads to resistance. Communities form coalitions, do education, file legal cases, and do blockades. link