Dangers of Nuclear Power
"In August 2020, a nuclear reactor near Cedar Rapids , Iowa, similar to the Fukashima reactors, was hit by a derecho wind blast of 130 mph. It came close to disaster. Nuclear power technology is subject to natural events (storms, floods, earthquakes, tides, rising seas, droughts diminishing access to cooling waters, etc....) , terrorism, being targets that would spread deadly radiation in a war , hubris, greed for the power of having the technology to build a nuclear bomb and having the ability to enrich uranium or plutonium for nuclear bombs, and the blinders of not seeing ones own prejudices and goals for power and pretending to be free of mistakes. It is inextricably linked to the design and production of nuclear bombs and the lust for the power of having nuclear bombs. It also is tied to the need for the status of being powerful. It is also a technology that centralizes authority, is secretive, protects its own hierarchy of experts, covers up its own errors, and opposes free speech and open discussion of reality. TEPCO, GE, the NRC, the DOD are all like the Maginot line, the British in WWI planning on cavalry attacking machine guns, the charging of cavalry against machine guns-top down certainty of ones own rightness." I am guiity of the same certainty.
Many leaders in science often speak up against the dangers they perceive after they discover something ( Pugwash (Atiyah, Rotblat), Linus Pauling, Leo Szilard, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Einstein,....