Big Oil Profits UP Dramatically
Chevron profits up from $235 million to $5 billion!
Oil companies made $174 billion in profits in 2021.
Now Big Oil and Big Coal are pushing their latest charades;
that we need to "burn baby burn" oil because otherwise we would harm low income citizens; when really lower income people are more often victims of pollution from oil wells, pipelines, and refineries and that floods, fires, tornados, hurricanes harm lower income citizens more;
that oil should go up because there are storms, fires , hurricanes, floods,... even though these are often worsened or caused by burning fossil fuels.
we might have a war; even though weapons profiteers are pushing PR chorus to create fear and demand for more weapons;
that we need fracking to avoid shortages; even though oil companies intend to export much of the fracked oil and gas;
and that we should ignore their bonuses, stock buybacks, and their refusal to invest in wind, solar, batteries, and efficiency.