Beavers Are Great!
The" Beaver Believer" movie made me feel hopeful. People are cooperating in groups to reintroduce bears. Volunteers, students, and wildlife managers trap unwanted beavers and relocate them to places where beavers can restore the landscape. These reintroduced beavers then create beaver dams and ponds. These ponds recharge the soil with water, creating wildlife habitat. Fish, ducks, frogs, elk, endangered species ( like the southwestern willow flycatcher, spotted frog, salmon, and steelhead) come back. Whole ecosytems come back. The ponds prevent flooding, holding back the water, and stopping flash floods. The ponds prevent erosion. They even stop forest fires. "Beaver Brigades" have formed in many California cities, bringing back beavers. Wildlife enthusiasts, birdwatchers, elk and deer hunters, and fishermen all cooperate to push politicians to help the beavers come back. Willows, trees, bushes and grasses grow back. Birds return. Robust healthy ecosystems return. Many states still allow the shooting and trapping of beavers- often without a limit on where, when, or how many can be killed. Solution: form or join a beaver group and nudge politicians to protect beavers from humans' hunting and trapping them. Cities can install a drainage pipe through the beaver dam to keep the ponds from rising too high. Beaver dams change shallow, intermittent streams, with steep eroding banks into curving deep year round streams. They lower the temperature too.