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    rocky flats tracks

    Write to Keep the Former Nuclear Weapons Plant Off Limits

    Here you can write to your Colorado Senators and Representatives. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/keep-rocky-flats-closed-forever?delivery_id=29957036

    Here you can disagree with the local governments that think that building trails and bikeways thru a radioactive site is "good".https://www.jeffco.us/FormCenter/Open-Space-15/Rocky-Mountain-Greenway-Comments-197

    Info on the dangers of the former plant:






    fracking fire

    Help Ban Fracking next to Homes and Schools in Colorado- Sign Petitions

    Please go to corising.org to find ways to support the Colorado Rising ballot initiative. This is a statewide ballot initiative for a 2500' setback to oil and gas development. Petitions are due by Aug. 1.
    There continue to be deaths and injuries from fracking fires and explosions: https://www.denverpost.com/2017/12/06/colorado-oil-gas-explosions-since-firestone-explosion.

    Ask Your Senators to Stop the 3 Bad Endangered Species Bills

    The Republicans have stuck some anti wildlife riders (amendments) in some bills that Congress must pass ( military and appropriations). These bills make economic impacts have priority over the lives of endangered species. They also devalue science.




    Banning Straws


    this article explains positive spillover of doing a good deed and being inspired to go further, the hazard of moral licensing and doing some bad cuz you're entitiled , and the need for momentum. Plus the use of public shaming or joining .

    Starbucks announced this week that it will completely phase out straws by the year 2020.

    U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has proposed a ban on plastic straws. Vancouver banned them. Scotland, Taiwan have bans in place. Seattle, Marriott, and McDonalds will ban them.

    "500 million. That's the number of straws that we use in the United States every single day."

    Being Out in Nature Makes Us Healthy

    Trees give off anti-microbial compounds. People exercise and socialize out in wild places. "It reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, and preterm birth, and increases sleep duration."


    Organic Food Is Good for You, the Soil, and the Farmer

    More micronutrients; better for people, birds, and butterflies; holds more water; prevents soil erosion; enriches the soil with organic material, less pesticides and less antibiotics.- A WIN.
